Winter's Fables.png

Air Date, December 20, 2020

Myths and stories of the Winter Solstice appear throughout the world's cultural and religious traditions and are interwoven with folklore and legend. We are thrilled to present a variety show that will examine and celebrate the return and renewal of light and life, as well as time honored classic fictional stories. Celebrate the longest night of the year with us on Sunday, December 20th at 7:00pm, just hours before the rebirth of the Sun at 5:30am the following morning.

Artist in Winter's Fables:

Aisling Ni Cheallaigh Allison Ottejepke

Danie Kohn & Bobby Fishnets Dejon

Emily Garber Florence Jaffrain

KC Hyland

Kelsey Keitges Layla Tripod

Natalie Rhae Ramona Hutchinson

Premieres Sunday, December 20th at 7 pm. $10+. After the premiere, you may purchase a ticket for the show anytime.


Air Date, October 30, 2020

The first production by Circus of the Moon, FOOL is an adaption of the Fool’s journey in the Major Arcana of the Tarot. After spending the day busking at the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk, the Fool catches the eye of a colorful spirit who lures him down the breezeway, dropping cards from the Major Arcana along the way. With each card he collects comes a mesmerizing performance and a new lesson. Please join us for a night of mystery and incredible performances in aerial, dance and physical theater. Join us October 30th at 7 pm. $10+. After the premiere, you may purchase a ticket for the show anytime.

*If you are unable to purchase a ticket, please reach out and we will provide a comp code. We understand that many are going through financial hardship and want our shows to be accessible to everyone!

Artists in Fool:

Jamin Jollo Dejon

Reilly Gurl              Allison Ottejepka

Ramona Hutchinson Drago Nesa

Danie Kohn + Bobby Fishnets Ava Stewart

Heather Lang Osiris Abrego Plata

Flo Jaffrain Emily Garber

Kelsey Keitges

Jenny Tuft

Videography and Photography by Steve DiBartolomeo